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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » What a phony fake bullsh** controversy! How can you RESPECT flag and country when you DISRESPECT other human beings?

What a phony fake bullsh** controversy! How can you RESPECT flag and country when you DISRESPECT other human beings?

The phony balonies who are making such a big deal out of this are full of crap. They are the racists and the bigots and the self-righteous holier-than-thou folks who actively DISRESPECT other people for a variety of reasons. They are full of themselves and oh so patriotic! Bullsh **.  I don't buy it. Not one bit of it!  Do you? How?  A country IS THE PEOPLE. Isn't it?

Posted - September 30, 2017


  • 1233
    Many human beings don't deserve to be respected. You constantly disrespect Trump, so I presume you agree. The U.S. does deserve respect. For all its problems, it is the pinnacle of human civilization. No nation has ever known greater liberty.

    No, the country is not the people. The U.S. is a republic that enshrines certain values. It's a concept.

    Individuals, and society as a whole, frequently fall short of those values. That is on THEM, not the country. It's irrelevant that there are many hypocrites out there. When someone preaches good values but fails to live up them, that's on them. That is their failure, not the failure of the values they advocate. It does make the values less right.

    When someone wishes to change values upon which society is based, that is acceptable if they propose that change in the right way. They need to make a specific criticism and offer alternative constructively.

    When someone disrespects the flag they aren't proposing a specific change. They are criticizing ALL of it. They are advocating the destruction of the nation and the creation of a new one. They striking down the pillars of liberty such as the free market, free speech, private property etc. They've subversive ****s and they're lucky they're still breathing. If the U.S. weren't based on such good values, they wouldn't be. This post was edited by Zeitgeist at October 1, 2017 12:07 PM MDT
      September 30, 2017 6:51 AM MDT